Welcome to Science Plus, Inc., Home of Steve 'The Dirtmeister' Tomecek, and Radically Different Science

Dirtmeister® Science Book Order Form

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PO Box 260066
Bellerose, NY 11426

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Books Quantity Price Total
Everything Rocks and Minerals $12.00
What A Great Idea $20.00
Animal Communication $20.00
Electromagnetism $20.00
Bouncing & Bending Light (Hardcover) $15.00
Soda Bottle Science $11.00
Sandwich Bag Science $11.00
Coffee Can Science $11.00
Simple Attractions $9.00
Wing It! $7.00
Dirt (Hardcover) $12.00
Dirt (Softcover) $6.00
Moon (Hardcover) $12.00
Moon (Softcover) $6.00
Sun (Softcover) $6.00
Stars (Hardcover) $12.00
Stars (Softcover) $6.00
Rocks (Jump Into Science) (Hardcover) $12.00
Dirtmeister's Nitty Gritty Planet Earth $13.00
    *8.5% Sales Tax for NY State Residents
    *Shipping Charges-$3.00 per book
    *Total Amount Enclosed