Welcome to Science Plus, Inc., Home of Steve 'The Dirtmeister' Tomecek, and Radically Different Science
Teaching Electricity, Yes You Can!

Books by Steve
"The Dirtmeister®"

Teaching Electricity,
Yes You Can!

Published by Scholastic Professional
$ 9.00 soft cover

Written for teachers of students in grades 4 and up, this book takes all the mystery out of electricity and features more than a dozen simple hands-on activities using "dirt cheap" materials available in most homes or supermarkets. In addition to an actual lesson plan, each activity includes extensive background material as well as a black line master worksheet for student use.

An experiment with electricity called 'Turn on the Juice!'.
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This book is also ideal for home schoolers and for students looking for creative science fair projects.

Activities include:

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Books by Steve Tomecek:
Coffee Can ScienceTeaching Electricity, Yes You Can!Bouncing & Bending Light
Simple AttractionsStarsDirtSunWhat A Great Idea!
Wing It! The Best Boomerang Book Ever

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